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  1. Spartan1518

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    um that doesn't look like aimbot at all. u were in front of him and close enough for exact shots and he was jumping multiple times not floating (in the last vid) xd but i'll try to record if i see him btw :D
  2. Spartan1518

    Ossf Hack Aim Bot

    i mean it looks suspicious. looks like he immediately locked on you although he didn't see or know u were there 1 sec ago :'>
  3. Spartan1518

    Ossf Hack Aim Bot

    very fishy
  4. Spartan1518

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    need video proof. but hope the devs will investigate this case i don't like ppl who name themselves trump :D
  5. Spartan1518

    You can't join this party. Please wait a moment and try again later.

    for now we're no longer using launcher.
  6. Spartan1518

    You can't join this party. Please wait a moment and try again later.

    first. update the launcher. make sure u see in-game: vX.3.1.0 if not. force update. (launcher version is 3.0 but in-game version is 3.1) replace the old xlive.dll with the new one posted on discord announcement...
  7. Spartan1518

    Read Regarding Super Bouncing in Public Games

    agree. that shouldn't be used in public games people that don't know what it really is will think hacks are legit n start looking for hacks :D
  8. Spartan1518

    A Hoy!

    Didn't notice we've got a 4rum :D greetings