
  1. S

    No snow on LOCKOUT?

    Up: Me on Lockout. Notice there are no snowflakes. Down: a random vid I found on YT. Snow falls this time. Does anybody know how to fix this? Are there any more problems with the visuals like this? I can be more specific if necessary. I would really appreciate it.
  2. Glitchy Scripts

    Halo 2 Update/Patch Technical Change Log and Info

    Halo 2 Xbox: https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Halo_2_Auto-Updates Halo 2 Vista: https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Halo_2_Vista_Patches FIXME: not sure where 1.1a and 1.1b sit on H2X. Halo 2 Xbox 1.0: Halo 2 Xbox 1.0 (Autoupdate 1): Halo 2 Xbox 1.0 (Autoupdate 2): Halo 2 Xbox 1.1 (Autoupdate 3): Halo 2...