Fui baneado me pueden ayudar ?

Jul 11, 2018
Hola soy Adartse, hoy dejé jugar a mi primo con mi cuenta y el usó un trainer, y yo fui baneado. (El no sabia que me podían banear la cuenta) Así quiero disculparme con la comunidad por eso, es la primera ves que pasa, quisiera pedir si me pueden quitar el ban. El trainer si era mio, pero no lo uso en linea, solo en campaña para salirme del mapa y esas cosas. Prometo que no volverá a pasar. Espero me puedan ayudar realmente me gusta el juego.

Hi I'm Adartse, today I let my cousin play with my account and he used a trainer, and I was banned. (He did not know that I could ban the account) So I want to apologize to the community for that, is the first time that happens, I would ask if I can remove the ban. The trainer was mine, but I do not use it online, only in a campaign to get out of the map and stuff. I promise it won't happen again. I hope you can help me I really like the game.
Last edited:
Aug 6, 2018
Maybe you should consider downgrading to Halo CE? I hear they have a great hacking community! Graphics aren't as great but hey, you can call it home!