Game confuses my M&KB for a controller and fires my gun automatically

May 11, 2020

I've been having a huge problem that's been keeping me from playing the game. Every couple days or so, my game acts very strangely. Usually, I gain controller-like aspects when I begin playing, namely gaining aim assist and controller prompts popping up on my screen. However, an action is repeated over and over again and I can't do anything about it. The first time this happened I kept using my grenades. The second time I kept switching weapons (apparently so fast that I couldn't break the cycle and switch to another weapon). This time, any weapon I pick up immediately begins firing. With single shot weapons, it only happens once and I can't fire again. Automatic weapons fire the whole clip and then reload.

I've searched just about everywhere and the following is what I've tried:

Rebinding everything on the custom option
Reinstalling H2V
Disabling controller support on Steam
Disabling my mouse

I've always heard people say with many other games that Logitech drivers mess up the game for them, so could that be the case here? I use a Logitech G900 Mouse usually wired. I wouldn't know if this makes a difference. If anyone has experienced something similar or has any advice, please let me know. Thank you!