Is their split screen?


Project Cartographer Staff
May 10, 2017
this is sort of it:

(1) first you need to determine how many players you want. (2) make a number of accounts equal to the number of players (3) you need to determine which players will play with a controller and which player with mouse and keyboard (if there is one) (4) start halo2 multiple times (each time you start it, it creates an instance ) (5) for each instance that uses controller, go to the cartographer settings and toggle the "disable/enable in-game keyb." setting. this will allow you to use controllers when the window is not focused. you'll see that, if that setting is enabled, every instance will be controlled simultaneously by controllers (6) this is the most tricky part: you'll need to go to the halo 2 installation directory and find durazno.ini, duraz02.ini, etc. in those inis, you'll be able to configure controller inputs for each instance. you can disable controller input from your first controller (in that ini, its settings are under "[controller0]" ) by settings its disable flag to 1 instead of 0. this will allow you to disable selective controller input per instance this thread is outdated (since the "disable ingame keyb" setting i told you about is now in-game) but i tried explaining the disable flag as well as i could