Recent content by TheInformer

  1. TheInformer

    Hotfix For Server Joins?

    Not too sure but make sure you are port forwarded (i do realize this is for external players) Also try going to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Halo 2 and edit the wan_ip and lan_ip fields in halo2config1.ini Join the discord, its a whole lot more active on there...
  2. TheInformer

    What features?

    I think all of those accept anti-cheat are either done or being worked on
  3. TheInformer

    i apologize

    Hey you'll be unbanned on both my birthday and Bungies
  4. TheInformer

    diegoreach2000 fast BR

    A ban
  5. TheInformer

    iustu hacking

    biri biri
  6. TheInformer

    Just stopping by

    I play halo 2 on the original xbox sometimes
  7. TheInformer

    Attachments corrupt

    The attachments in Uf ShadowTeddys thread for the halo 2 discord theme are corrupt when opened
  8. TheInformer

    Trash talk

    Eso es lo que dije a tu mamá anoche
  9. TheInformer

    Something I gotta admit...

    nah, wth is wrong with you
  10. TheInformer

    What controller do you guys use?

    i use a dualshock 3 Oh thats what that button does
  11. TheInformer

    I have no friends

    I have no friends