Recent content by YourGuy

  1. YourGuy

    Hello from Netherlands!

    I quoted your words? Sorry My Bad!!I'm just exited because Halo 2 Is Back ONLINE!!!!!
  2. YourGuy

    Need help!!

    Just tell me honestly:How the hell are you gonna run Halo Wars 2 on windows 7?
  3. YourGuy

    Need help!!

    Yes but almost everyone hates WINDOWS 10!!!!!(Privacy issues) So i want to patch into the other OSs
  4. YourGuy

    Need help!!

    So,Microsoft and 343 Industries are realeasing in the next years a bunch of new games for PC!!!! Unfortunatly,They are only going to Windows 10 And to apply them to Windows 7/8/8.1 we need some surious work for it For that,me and my team are going to patch them so you can enjoy them for free But...
  5. YourGuy

    Hello from Netherlands!

    Hello from Netherlands! I'm new here but got some very auesome ideas for the game The 0.3 update is nigh And nothing,not ecen Microsoft can stop it!!!