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  1. David117

    Blac Reaper super jump in public server Zombies

    The player started making super jumps from minute 10:27
  2. David117

    Delete accounts

    Help! Administrators, I want to delete two accounts that I created a few months ago and that I do not remember their respective email addresses. Please, help me by eliminating them. The names of the accounts: 'AR3NI74 1991', 'Javier :D'. Thank you!
  3. David117

    ¿Qué pasa con los servidores de zombies?

    A veces es un completo caos unirse a los servidores de zombies, cuando solamente se queda la pantalla en azul y se oye: «new zombie» y, por último, se pierde la conexión.
  4. David117


    I have seen a player walking faster than normal, and I need to record it and have tests. Program to record it?
  5. David117

    Why is the connection of the servers lost?

    It does not always happen, but when it happens I have to wait almost five minutes and the connection is lost. It's very disgusting! Is it normal?
  6. David117

    Leave doubts

    How much time is it forbidden for a player who was seen to use cheating and have appealed?