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  1. I

    Not gonna be on for a while

    Hello everyone, so the other day I just lost all interest in Halo, and since Halo 2 is next to dead, I really have no reason to stick around. If there is a sudden population boost or 343 decides to get off their asses and give us some official servers with normal map rotations (tired of lockout...
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    Operation: Spirit: Fixing H2v

    Now, what we got wasn't the true Halo 2, but it's better than nothing. So, to bring back the good old Xbox days, I have some ideas. First off, we need our own servers. Once, I fix my old computer, I will try to sell it for around $300 (It's not a gaming rig, just for home computing, I am...
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    Server Joining Issue

    As you might know, the 24/7Ctf server (SMG I think) is very populated compared to the other servers, and out of sheer coincidence, it's the only server I can't join :down: . I get the "Cannot join this party at this time. Try again later" error. Does anyone know a fix to this? Thanks!
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    DLL Issue

    Alright, I'm pretty sure someone else had this problem a while back, but it never got fully answered. Here's the error I'm getting. I just installed the custom map restriction remover dlls when this comes up. Who knows how to fix this.
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    Need Some Help

    Hello, iCovertz here. Since there was a twitter update extending H2v servers (There was a topic about it), I thought I might as we H2v to work. But, I have a bit of a problem. As like a lot of people, I really don't think paying $20 for a 9 year old game is worth it, and I know about MF.dll...
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    Good Evening Gentlemen

    Hi everyone, I am iCovertz, and I found this wonderful site from a KillsAlone video. I play Halo whenever I can, which is usually at night or on weekends. My GT is iCovertz, and feel free to add me. Before I end this, I would just like to ask for support. I opened all of my ports, but H2v...