An idea for a new game mode...

Nov 8, 2018
So, I absolutely love that we can make name certain game modes like infection or gun game just by naming a custom mode. And it got me thinking, now I know project cartographer still has a lot of stuff to do with this game, but what if we got a firefight mode added? Halo 2 already has a lives mechanic like odst in its game options, some maps would be great for firefight like maybe relic, burial mounds or sanctuary. Phantoms can drop off squads of brutes, elites, grunts, jackals, hunters, wraiths on certain maps, ghosts, specters. there could be like two teams competing to see who survives the longest, the flood might pop up here and there for a wave or fight the covenant and the player teams. Pelicans can drop of supplies, skulls could be toggled on and off and maybe more stuff I don't know that's all I can think of.

there are a couple of things I know are against this for a mode though, for one I know project cartographer is updated in the devs free time, so coding and scripting ai might not be all that possible at the moment since you guys are focusing on other aspects of the project, another thing is that some maps just don't work for firefight as there either to small, or just don't have the right layout like Elongation as it is completely closed from the outside as it is on a space station, and probably more issues.

still, just a fun Idea I came up with if you guys want to add new modes. Have a good day!
Feb 26, 2016
The way AI works makes this idea impossible. If you were to do it on some custom map then maybe but vanilla maps can't use these assets.