Banned for superbouncing

May 4, 2019
I was banned for superjumping. I don't deny doing it. I didn't know it was not allowed. I was told in game that it was not allowed in other peoples servers so I stopped. I come from Xbox 360 where superjumping was just part of the game and everyone could do it so I figured it was okay. I'll keep the superjumping to my own games if unbanned.

May 4, 2019
I don't deny saying that. That still doesn't change the fact that I stopped doing it after I was told it wasn't allowed.
May 4, 2019
DeadHamster what are you trying to show with this video? The bounce that you showed at 0:18 was me bouncing out of the map during my conversation with Toxic Ice. At no point in this video do you show me bouncing after that. I killed you later in the video when I was still out of the map from the same bounce at 0:18. I can't just jump back in the map, I have to be killed. I did not bounce again after the one at 0:18 after I learned that it wasn't allowed.
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Mar 23, 2019
Such a lier, the video is divided in 4 clips cronologically. In the 3rd clip toxic told you not to do it but you still did it and in the 4th clip you jumped again, also you killed me twice from there, twice from top of the wonder wheel.
Im glad you are banned, 4th clip was the last one and 2 minutes away from 3rd clip aprox
May 4, 2019
Such a lier, the video is divided in 4 clips cronologically. In the 3rd clip toxic told you not to do it but you still did it and in the 4th clip you jumped again, also you killed me twice from there, twice from top of the wonder wheel.
Im glad you are banned, 4th clip was the last one and 2 minutes away from 3rd clip aprox

I understand your frustration but you're not listening to what I said. I agree that the clips are in chronological order but there are only 3 not 4. The 3rd clip shows only one superbounce at (0:18). It then shows me killing you a couple times from on top of the map. I was already up there from the bounce at 0:18 which was in the middle of the conversation with Toxic Ice. Does that make sense? Here is the timeline that matches with your video:

1) - Bounce on top of the roof (0:02) and the first clip of your video (This was before I was told it was not allowed)
2) - Bounce on top of the wheel (0:06) and the second clip of your video (This was before I was told it was not allowed)
3) - Bounce out of the map (0:18) and the third clip of your video when Toxic Ice and I are discussing superjumping
4) - I kill you multiple times from on top of the map. I did not bounce again I was just still up there from the bounce at 0:18. Once I died up there I did not superjump again for the rest of the game because I now knew that it wasn't allowed.

Again, this timeline perfectly matches the video posted by DeadHamster. There is no video of me superjumping after 0:18 after I learned that it was against the rules.
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Mar 23, 2019
No dude this is how it happened
My video is 47.55 minutues, first clip was at 23:13, toxic told you not to do the jump in minute 35:39 then you jumped again in the 3rd clip at 36:04 and the last clip is 37:56.
That's how it happened. So no you weren’t discussing anything by the time
It’s not up to me The banning good luck!!
May 4, 2019
toxic told you not to do the jump in minute 35:39 then you jumped again in the 3rd clip at 36:04
You can clearly see Toxic send a message at 0:21 in the posted video telling me that halo 2 vista did not have superjumping. We were obviously still discussing why superbouncing was not allowed.

and the last clip is 37:56.
That's how it happened. So no you weren’t discussing anything by the time
What exactly happened in the last clip? I see no superbouncing other than the one at 0:18 in the posted video while we were still discussing the legality of bouncing.
Mar 23, 2019
Like i said again good luck with that!! :)
Im just giving my videos and what it happened from my point of view, toxic made clear thats cheating from the beggining also when you log in into halo theres a message saying not to cheat!! Stop trying to convincing me, i know you were aware of this and just playing the innocent
Not gonna answer back since im done with this
May 4, 2019
Stop trying to convince you? Is this not a forum and thread where I am suppose to be pleading my innocence and telling my side of the story? I honestly am not trying to play innocent. These past couple of days have been my first time on project cartographer. The admins or whoever can vouch that my account is only a few days old. Yes, I realize there's a message saying not to cheat but as I stated in my original post, I come from originally playing on the Xbox 360 and superbouncing was not cheating. It is possible for anyone to do and I'd be willing to show you some bounces some time if you'd like. In my own server obviously lol.

Here is a clip of me doing the bounce in your video at (0:18). It shows how I was able to get over close to invisibility and kill you without bouncing again. It also shows the invisible wall that prevents me from entering back into the map unless I'm killed.
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