Griefing user Baldwin

Mar 5, 2021
Reported User: Baldwin IV

This guy has been playing in Tower of Power server for a while. However EVERY SINGLE TIME the turret spawns this guy rushes to destroy it
That's where the problem begins... While I DO UNDERSTAND that this may be a valid strategy to deny enemy access to the turret, it is annoying and ruins gameplay when you are playing with him as an ally and even if you are using the turret, he starts shooting the turret to the point a single shot from the enemy destroys it, Only for you to stop using it. I have noticed this behavior for a whole week. If he wants to play shotguns only there are plenty of servers where he can do so...

Attached Video and screenshot


Feb 13, 2024
I'm the user of BALDWIN IV
Yesterday I noticed that they banned me for this; I don't see a good reason to ban my account.
I kindly request that you lift the ban. Since I met this guy he hasn't stopped insulting me and not just me; if not to several players. He likes to provoke but he doesn't like being done to, we have to be even, right?
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Mar 5, 2021
I'm the user of BALDWIN IV
Yesterday I noticed that they banned me for this; I don't see a good reason to ban my account.
I kindly request that you lift the ban. Since I met this guy he hasn't stopped insulting me and not just me; if not to several players. He likes to provoke but he doesn't like being done to, we have to be even, right?
1- You got caught in video griefing and have the nerve to say "I don't see any good reason to ban"? Well you broke the rules, which I have told you SEVERAL times NOT to do so. But well you went ahead and keep breaking them? don't expect congratulations.

2- I like to provoke? I'm not the one who starts shooting at the turret while being used by a teammate, or rush to destroy it when respawned. Next time use that energy you use to destroy the turret to defeat the enemy team instead. I know you're not a bad player and can do definitely better than that
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Feb 13, 2024
Jose, Keep in mind that you also went too far with the insults so I had to find a way to get even without using so many words; best actions. Did you ask nicely to stop destroying the turret? No.
You also started insulting a certain SantiagoTorres who said the same thing "play without a turret" when there was no need to use so much nonsense. You are good at the game, I have no doubt, but your reaction is what bothers you; Besides, your vocabulary in this forum seems incredible to me when in the game you are a different person; I honestly don't understand you.
Mar 5, 2021
Jose, Keep in mind that you also went too far with the insults so I had to find a way to get even without using so many words; best actions. Did you ask nicely to stop destroying the turret? No.
You also started insulting a certain SantiagoTorres who said the same thing "play without a turret" when there was no need to use so much nonsense. You are good at the game, I have no doubt, but your reaction is what bothers you; Besides, your vocabulary in this forum seems incredible to me when in the game you are a different person; I honestly don't understand you.
Break the rules, pay the price. You have to be responsible for your own actions and whatever consequences that may bring you. Even if I had asked "nicely" (I DID try to warn you and several others who did the same about the consequences, but clearly you didn't listen. I mean if you didn't listen with "harsh" words you would definitely not listen with kind and cute words lol.) you wouldn't stop destroying it.
Regarding my "reactions" well do not expect a round of applause if you are breaking the rules. And you also have resorted to racist and xenophobic insults against me, but that's not something I'd make a fuzz about.. I can let that slide. I mean it happens at the heat of the moment.

At the end I'm happy you got your account back. And I hope next time you can tell others what NOT TO DO on said server. As I mentioned if you guys want to play shotguns only feel free to do so in any of the shotgun-only available servers