H2v is a shit game and I hate it.

Apr 6, 2013
Nova Prospekt
Grub Xer0
Nothing but FFA on lockout, br snipes, fiesta, or the typical tank fucks on district. Why is it so hard to get a classic team slayer game on other maps going these days? Oh and don't forget the three-for-all phantom needlers on coag. Ugh I just want to put an axe to my computer to end the misery.
Mar 22, 2013
and that is his reason?

my story... i have a ati shappire 5770 1gb ddr5 (with xfx 550) the fkng drivers 2013 are 60 fps with fag downs in halo 2 :( when I should give 1000 fkng fps :( fix for this? NO the old drivers works.. NO

:( im playing now with nvidia 240gt to 1024x768 in medium :) 200 fps and i limited to 60 without downs :)

i need fix for this and i wait the steam app for halo 2 and halo 3 :)

halo 2 need a rank system :D
Apr 2, 2013
SiC GrubXer0 said:
Nothing but FFA on lockout, br snipes, fiesta, or the typical tank fucks on district. Why is it so hard to get a classic team slayer game on other maps going these days? Oh and don't forget the three-for-all phantom needlers on coag. Ugh I just want to put an axe to my computer to end the misery.
h2v was a lot better in it's prime... you should have been there
Apr 1, 2013
Le Derp King
I agree with OP, I would really like to see some original team slayer servers up, like BR and Magnums or BR and SMG.
Apr 4, 2013
ideathsniper said:
and that is his reason?

my story... i have a ati shappire 5770 1gb ddr5 (with xfx 550) the fkng drivers 2013 are 60 fps with fag downs in halo 2 :( when I should give 1000 fkng fps :( fix for this? NO the old drivers works.. NO

:( im playing now with nvidia 240gt to 1024x768 in medium :) 200 fps and i limited to 60 without downs :)

i need fix for this and i wait the steam app for halo 2 and halo 3 :)

halo 2 need a rank system :D
That sounds like a personal problem.
Apr 23, 2013
I've heard that Halo 2 on the Xbox was awesome back in the day, and I remember wishing I was around, then I get H2v and all I see is empty servers with the occasional Tanks on Coag. I would really like to try a zombies game, or even a custom game where everyone tries to superbounce!


Mar 20, 2013
JAY007S said:
ideathsniper said:
and that is his reason?

my story... i have a ati shappire 5770 1gb ddr5 (with xfx 550) the fkng drivers 2013 are 60 fps with fag downs in halo 2 :( when I should give 1000 fkng fps :( fix for this? NO the old drivers works.. NO

:( im playing now with nvidia 240gt to 1024x768 in medium :) 200 fps and i limited to 60 without downs :)

i need fix for this and i wait the steam app for halo 2 and halo 3 :)

halo 2 need a rank system :D
That sounds like a personal problem.

I was about to say wtf does this have to do with any thing grub said your a retard deathsniper.


Mar 20, 2013
iCovertz said:
I've heard that Halo 2 on the Xbox was awesome back in the day, and I remember wishing I was around, then I get H2v and all I see is empty servers with the occasional Tanks on Coag. I would really like to try a zombies game, or even a custom game where everyone tries to superbounce!

super bounce was patched a long time ago man
Jun 26, 2013
Baby SlaYaN
iCovertz said:
I've heard that Halo 2 on the Xbox was awesome back in the day, and I remember wishing I was around, then I get H2v and all I see is empty servers with the occasional Tanks on Coag. I would really like to try a zombies game, or even a custom game where everyone tries to superbounce!
oh man. those were the days dude!
Mar 22, 2013
Current Location Unknown
Pain Sherman
Don't hate the game hate the people who run those shitty...

I know that feel mate, that's why I stopped playing it a month ago. I've been doing LAN parties since then running some H3 games MLG style (like in the old times when people were good) and RE 6 (Mercenaries) matches all day long with friends I haven't seen in years. :D
Apr 6, 2013
Nova Prospekt
Grub Xer0
SiC THEPRO1121 said:
we should play some minecraft sometime xD

and is that a green screen behind u? :p
Yeah, lol I use it for livestreams. I rent a Minecraft server, I haven't had the time to set up the permissions and plugins yet. When I get everything ready I'll let you know!

Stromicuz said:
h2v was a lot better in it's prime... you should have been there
Prime? I heard the population was always low due to M$ using it as a plug for Windows Vista, and that support was dropped a mere months after it was ported.

iCovertz said:
I've heard that Halo 2 on the Xbox was awesome back in the day, and I remember wishing I was around, then I get H2v and all I see is empty servers with the occasional Tanks on Coag. I would really like to try a zombies game, or even a custom game where everyone tries to superbounce!
Halo 2 on xbox live was really fun. I remember getting the game at launch, so many days cutting school just to play lol.

Pain Sherman said:
I know that feel mate, that's why I stopped playing it a month ago. I've been doing LAN parties since then running some H3 games MLG style (like in the old times when people were good) and RE 6 (Mercenaries) matches all day long with friends I haven't seen in years. :D
I've taken long breaks from H2v to play other games as well, but I usually end up coming back to it with a glimmer of hope that people are playing actual games, only to be disappointed.
Mar 22, 2013
[hidden]the game is not bad, its the players, of course you have to get people closer to you, hence why matchmaking on xbox was ten times better at connecting you to people somewhat near you...

its not bad, the players sometimes are not that great, a few players do in fact use stuff to get an advantage and say they are legit and a pro... but they in fact suck

its all about playing the game and enjoying it, but many people can't because well they just can't it's either a witch hunt for hackers 24/7

or they are playing it and just can't seem to play right or suck and then they use hacks and the sorts because they need to feel better about themselves by using hacks because they can't seem to get any better after playing the game for the last 5 or so years lmao

but anyways.... i have had the game for a long time and also had h2x for a long time approximately a month and a half or so before it's release date. its a good game, you just have to play it and not get mad and just get used to the fact you play with people from around the world more often and their pings can range from 20-300+++.... lol

Its really not a bad game, you just have to get used to it and we all need to try getting more people playing by like spamming around the net on twitter/fb/forums/etc/etc
then it'll maybe get a little better...lol

but oh well, i just hope halo 3 comes to pc lol[/hidden]
Mar 20, 2013
Kills Alone
Being there from the begging in the H2x days I can say that Super-Bouncing was not a good thing, it ruined most matches actually. You had one guy (or his team) camping on-top of the map killing everyone else who was trying to either figure out where they where or how to get up top as well. Some glitches can be defended when they actually add something to the game, but Super-Bouncing did the opposite.

I agree there should be more game-types/variants, so I created many play-lists for every map and over 50 new maps/weapons, but you know what, you cannot force people to play on what you want. And unless you run your own server other server admins will usually not take a hint.

There used to be more variety in H2v not only due to more players, servers, and clans; but also because Microsoft ran their own servers which offered the basic variants we all remember from H2x.

The last problem is a lack of proper match-making. There was a fix proposed for this but it was not adopted by enough server admins.

We can only hope that when they do release the original Halo trilogy on Steam they include the following:
-A proper Halo Editing Kit
-Co-op support
-Proper ant-cheat
-Updates that do not break or take away features from the game
Apr 23, 2013
I swear that Halo 2 is dead, and this is just taking it's dead body and spraying it with air freshener (bad analogy, I know). Halo 2 Xbox was the true Halo 2, and Halo 2 vista is a cheap clone that we take so dearly to our hearts because it is all we have left of the game we knew and loved back in 2004-2010.

Jun 26, 2013
Baby SlaYaN
iCovertz said:
I swear that Halo 2 is dead, and this is just taking it's dead body and spraying it with air freshener (bad analogy, I know). Halo 2 Xbox was the true Halo 2, and Halo 2 vista is a cheap clone that we take so dearly to our hearts because it is all we have left of the game we knew and loved back in 2004-2010.

the mans right.. but i still got on and play games. i have a strong feeling the halo trilogy will be released on steam. i just hope Halo 2 Ann. gets the same attention at HaloCE Ann.