Hi Guys :3

Oct 3, 2014
What's up people.

Basically, I bought Halo 2 Vista a year ago, and found out that they were supposedly shutting down the servers, so I played the campaign for a few days then left the game to build dust on my shelf. It wasn't until the other day that a pretty well known YouTuber made a video of him playing on Halo 2 multi-player, and I figured there's no possible way it could be on Xbox as it was shut down years ago.

So, I ended up finding a video about Halo Shark, and discovered what I was missing out on.

I loved Halo 2's campaign, to be honest I prefered Halo 3's multiplayer but 2 is great as well, so it's a great relief for me to be able to play old school Halo again, especially in these times of hype because of the master chief collection, which of course I cannot afford, let alone an Xbox One.

Anyway guys, I guess i'm here to stay, and although this game is pretty hard to get used to (I still cannot figure out the key for beat-down when people are close up to me, my mind goes blank) I still think it's great and really want to meet a lot of people in this community.

That's all I have to say, so yeah, hi :3