How to host a dedicated server?

Mar 6, 2018
I am wondering the same thing, It has been extremely hard to find any info on this. It is easy enough to get some info on how to do it for Halo 2 Vista back in the day but I assume that does not work now that the online goes through the network tab. I am wondering if they want to keep dedicated server creation just for admins of Project Cartographer, which is cool so there aren't a 100 dedicated servers I suppose.

I would like to see better game variation and old school long spawn times to make the game more competitive. What changes were you hoping to make with your dedicated server playlist?
Feb 26, 2016
The tools for running dedicated servers are the same ones that come official game ISO though modified using the standard xlive we give you. There were instructions on running your own server but they were removed due to the fact that a higher amount of servers directly correlated with the stability of the server list. Until this is solved dedicated servers are something you will have to figure out yourself.