Thank You Project Cartographer Team

Nov 22, 2016
Hey everyone, used to play back in the day as CrAsHmAn8 during the Halo 2 Vista days. I remember checking out this project a couple years ago and to my surprise it said I made an account here in 2016!

I dug up my Halo 2 Vista disc last night and thought I would check back in on the project (was feeling very nostalgic about some Halo 2 of course). Install was easy, bang boom there we go. I installed last night and was shocked to see the servers were kicking and full! I had so much fun last night.

I just wanted to say to everyone that is/was involved in this project to get it up and running and to continue to keep it running, thank you. I appreciate you giving us a place to play Halo 2 PC online again. The connection was super good and smooth too. The netcode seems really good and improved from what I last remember.

Thank you for having a strict, zero tolerance policy on hacking/cheating. That makes me very happy.

Thank you for providing us servers with different maps and normal respawn timers. I was having a blast on the Team Slayer Server. It was refreshing to play on maps that were not Lockout and Midship all the time.

Thank you for all your hard work, as the project has come a long way it seems like. You are appreciated, especially by a player like myself that just wants to casually jump in some games from time to time. I was very surprised by how many players were on last night.

Keep up the good work and long live Halo 2 PC! Cheers!