What about this vid?

Mar 26, 2013
I was in teamspeak yesterday but because it was 3 am I couldn't talk (people sleeping next room) and I had to go soon. But I did see someone post this vid:


What about it?

The language they speak is Ducth, and since I am Dutch myslef I understand everying they say. The suptitles clearly don't belong to this vid, you don't have to understand Dutch to figure that out.

This vid itself was a stupid joke someone made. Its a talkshow where someone tells what happend to him. His voice was changed after a visit to the hospital. The interviewer can't take it anymore and starts laughing when he hears the mans voice. This all never really happend it was a fake vid made to be a stupid joke.

So just to take any doubt away, this vid is as fake as they come.
Feb 15, 2013
Mt. Silver
Kant, it was not a reply to your post (trolling) about H2V on Mac. It was much older than that. July of last year.

And I think it's goddamn' funny. And why is it funny? Porting H2 to get attention for Windows Vista was a phenomonaly stupid idea, so doing it AGAIN for a Windows 8 tablet is an even stupider idea.